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5 Plot Point Breakdown: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011)

By Tony LaScala · May 17, 2012

Screenplay Genre: Adventure / Drama / Mystery

Movie Time: 129 Minutes


One year after OSKAR’s (Thomas Horn) father THOMAS (Tom Hanks) is killed in the 9/11 Twin Towers attack, Oskar finds a key in an envelope marked “Black” that may be a clue in the citywide scavenger hunt he and his father were working on. (00:15:50)

2. LOCK IN (End of Act One)

After creating an elaborate algorithm to find all of the “Blacks” in New York and solve the mystery of the key, Oskar sets out on a journey unbeknownst to his mother LINDA (Sandra Bullock) across the five boroughs and meets the first possible “Black” who knew his father, ABBY BLACK (Viola Davis). (00:32:14)


Oskar finally encounters his grandmother’s (Zoe Caldwell) mysterious “RENTER” (Max von Sydow). After Oskar tells his story to the mute man, the Renter decides to help Oskar in his quest. (01:01:58)

4. MAIN CULMINATION (End of Act Two)

After the Renter (now revealed to be Oskar’s grandfather) abandons Oskar, Oskar calls a number that his father had circled in a newspaper. The number belongs to Abby Black, and she takes Oskar to see her husband WILLIAM BLACK (Jeffrey Wright). William turns out to be the owner of the mysterious key, which opens a safe deposit box his father had left him before dying. (01:34:49)


Linda reveals to Oskar that she knew of his plan and checked out all of the people Oskar was going to meet and forewarned them about Oskar’s quest to ensure Oskar’s safety. (01:46:45)

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